Regulatory & ESG information
ESG information
The SGP Hôtel Investissement Capital has developed a global policy for taking into account criteria relating to compliance with environmental, social and governance (ESG) objectives in its funds under management.
Our commitments:
The SGP Hôtel Investissement Capital is a signatory of the France Invest Code of Ethics, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) initiated by the United Nations, (Discover more about PRI) as well as the Global Compact (Discover more about the Global Compact). We are also committed to :
- Take ESG issues into account in our analysis and investment decision-making processes;
- Develop a proactive, day-to-day ESG approach within our funds’ holdings;
- Report on the activities and initiatives undertaken to apply these principles.
ESG criteria taken into account in fund investment policy:
SGP Hôtel Investissement Capital’s investment policy, which is shared with our investors, is based on a number of criteria relating to the asset’s financial situation and its location, in line with a long-term vision in which ESG criteria are seen as vectors for creating value and performance for the assets.
Approach taken by the companies HIC invests in:
Our investments are part of a proactive ESG policy, which is integrated first and foremost into the operation of the hotels and, within the limits of economic coherence, into the execution of the works. Environmental commitments
Adopting a more responsible purchasing policy
- Environmental labelling by Betterfly Tourism, a body approved by ADEME, with a target of a minimum grade of B for each hotel owned
- 30% of food products to be labelled Organic Agriculture by 2024
- 100% Ecolabel-certified cleaning products by 2022
- Offer of OEKO-TEX certified linen (which guarantees the absence of chemical and toxic products during manufacture) by 2023.
- Replacement of the current range of fairtrade hospitality products with an eco-labelled range by 2024
Sustainable resource management
- Offer to replace all plastic water bottles by 2023
- Installation of LED bulbs in all facilities where this is possible by 2022
- Installation of recycling bins provided by the city or a private service provider by 2023
- Reducing the flow rate of taps, shower heads and bath spouts to less than 8 litres/min by 2022
- Insulation of hot water pipes and single points and insulation of low floors by 2022
- Reduce current energy consumption in buildings over 1,000 m2 by 40% by 2030
- Encourage the replacement of obsolete household appliances with products bearing an A or B energy label
Having a positive impact on society
- Encourage the donation of furniture to associations when works are carried out
- Training employees in CSR with INSEE every year from 2023 onwards
- Carrying out an annual Great Place to Work survey with the aim of increasing from 60% to 75% by 2023, with employees concluding: “Overall, I can say that this is a really good company to work for”.
- Participation in charitable projects supported by the Honotel Group, in particular with the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque association.
Promoting good governance :
- Achieving gender parity in our hotel management teams
- Introduction of a remuneration system linked to performance and customer satisfaction
- Compliance with a CSR charter in calls for tender issued to suppliers
Information for investors:
In accordance with Article 29 of the French Energy and Climate Change Act, the Management Company’s policy on taking ESG criteria into account is available by clicking here.Throughout the holding period, the Hôtel Investissement Capital team gathers information from the Honotel operator to measure the financial and extra-financial performance of the companies held in the portfolio. At the half-yearly meetings with our investors, we present specific monitoring of ESG issues within the funds’ holdings, highlighting recent initiatives in this area, and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) associated with financial and extra-financial performance.
Update: 30 June 2022
Investment commitment and transparency policy
The management team is convinced that the governance of hotel companies is an essential factor in performance and risk control. This is why the directorships of hotel companies are held by Honotel’s senior managers.
The powers of company officers are governed by the company’s Articles of Association. Strategic decisions (capital increase/reduction, appointment of CACs, appointment/revocation/renewal of corporate officers and setting their remuneration, approval of financial statements and allocation of profits, amendment of the Articles of Association, change of control), i.e. decisions that do not fall within the scope of day-to-day hotel management, remain the responsibility of the shareholders at General Meetings. The FPCIs are represented by the Chairman of HIC at the General Meetings of the holding companies in which their interests are held, and have the majority of voting rights. Honotel’s managers also attend these general meetings and vote according to their percentage holding.
HIC’s principles are to act in the exclusive interest of unitholders, in compliance with the rules of the FPCI and the applicable rules for managing conflicts of interest. In accordance with these principles, HIC examines votes on resolutions submitted to General Meetings on a case-by-case basis. Particular importance is attached to resolutions relating to the remuneration policy for directors and corporate officers.
The Management Company’s voting policy at General Meetings is available on request from the following address:
SGP Hôtel Investissement Capital
For the attention of General Management
18-20 rue Treilhard
75008 Paris
Updated: 14 June 2022
Conflict of interest policy
Hôtel Investissement Capital has defined a policy for managing conflicts of interest to ensure that clients’ interests are paramount and that applicable regulations are complied with.
The control and monitoring measures adopted to prevent, detect and manage conflicts of interest are as follows:
Establishment of a procedure, including instructions that employees must follow in order to identify, prevent and manage conflicts of interest;
Formal mapping of situations that give rise or are likely to give rise to a conflict of interest involving a significant risk of harm to the interests of one or more customers;
Existence of a code of ethics governing the risk of conflicts of interest;
Employees are regularly made aware of their responsibilities and obligations in terms of ethics;
Ongoing monitoring of activities by the RCCI to ensure that internal procedures are adapted and complied with by employees;
Handling complaint
Hôtel Investissement Capital respects the primacy of its clients’ interests. A client complaint management system has been set up as part of its collective and individual management activities. This system enables Hôtel Investissement Capital to deal effectively, transparently and equally with client complaints.
All complaints must be sent by post with acknowledgement of receipt to the attention of the General Management of Hôtel Investissement Capital at the following address:
SGP Hôtel Investissement Capital
For the attention of the General Management
18-20 rue Treilhard
75008 Paris
As soon as complaints are received, they are forwarded to the RCCI, who records and analyses them and compiles all the information needed to respond. At the same time, the General Management informs the customer that the complaint has been taken into account and of the deadline for a response. This information is sent by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt within a maximum of 10 working days from receipt of the complaint.
Hôtel Investissement Capital ensures that the complaints handling phase is carried out promptly and fairly with regard to the client making the complaint.
The response to the complaint is drawn up by the RCCI, then validated and signed by General Management. It is sent to the customer by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt within 2 months from the date of receipt of the complaint.
If the response provided by SGP Hôtel Investissement Capital does not satisfy the complainant, the latter may appeal to the Ombudsman of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) by completing the form on its website or by writing to it at the following address:
Autorité des Marchés Financiers
Mediation Department
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02
Remuneration policy
Hôtel Investissement Capital has introduced a remuneration policy for all its employees based on principles that promote :
Sound and effective risk management.
Respect for the interests of its clients, the holders of the funds under management.
The management company’s remuneration policy has therefore been drawn up on the basis of an assessment of its internal organisation and in line with its economic strategy and long-term objectives, within a framework of sound management and control of its risk, given the nature, scope and complexity of its activities.
It does not encourage excessive risk-taking that is incompatible with the interests of unitholders.
The management company monitors and reviews the implementation of this policy each year.
Details of the management company’s remuneration policy are available on request for the attention of the RCCI (Compliance and Internal Control Officer):
SGP Hôtel Investissement Capital
18-20 rue Treilhard
75008 Paris
A paper copy may be sent free of charge to any person who requests it.